Hi, My Name is Cassie

Welcome to my website. I’ve collected bits and pieces of both fun and serious stuff that I have created over the years. Hopefully as you browse, you will get to know me better and have some joyous time along the way.

Serious Stuff

Creatives & videos I have designed and produced for CampaignTrackly

A Series of Youtube video thumbs for our weekly live streams

The idea was to created something light-hearted and fun

A Series of images used in the onboarding articles

The goal was to show users how easy it is to get started

A series of thumbs for the Onboarding videos

The idea was to create a design that engages people to click

A series of onboarding videos for new users

The goal was to provide users with full understanding of the app’s features

Princeton High School Cycling Community Service Club Creative Work

This is one of the flyers I put together to promote a community event at which my club members and I offered bike repair services.

Creative Work for Student-led Environmental Awareness Organization, The Green Cause

This is one of the flyers I created for this student-led organization I am a part of as a social media lead.

A song I wrote about Learning the Equations

This was a school project that I took way too seriously and created a

A Video Essay About Disney’s Propaganda During WWII

This was a school project that sparked my curiosity about history, video-making and script-writing

A Cooking Demonstration in Spanish

I cooked a real meal and did all the work

This was a real recipe from a very famous Cuban dish

I wrote the script in Spanish

It took a lot of time to perfect the video!

Extra Curricular Engagements

Love for Theatre

I am in character here – I am the director of a play called Haversham Manor, from the “Play that Goes Wrong”

Presenting at the “Not in Our Town” Awards Ceremony

Here I am giving a presentation about our Community Cycling Service Club and what we have achieved

Love for Performing

A Pic from the advertising for our school production, “The Play that Goes Wrong”, where I played Chris Bean


Cassie Mitova | © All rights reserved | Email me